Bloated Fry Dies


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
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I have two baby guppies living in my tank. Up until recently they have been healthy happy and doing great. My water stats and pH are perfect, and they are both in a five gallon tank. This morning I woke up and one of my frys (who is considerably larger than the other for some reason) had something that looks like poop hanging from his waist except it was the same color as his scales. I eventually realized that his stomach was actually bloated and although he is usually the more energetic of the two, he was weirdly listless and kept hanging out in the corner of the tank. I would have thought it was pregnant if not for the fact that it is still a baby. Not sure of what else to do I changed the water and made sure that everything was perfect. I am extra careful when changing the water if one of my frys has a medical condition. While I was cleaning it, the sick fry just layer there barely moving. After I was done and I put them back in the tany, the healthy fry went about his merry business while the sick one went berserk swimming frantically everywhere and bumping into things. Relieved that he was a t least moving I went to go eat dinner. When I came back, he was dead. What just happened? And is my other little guy in danger? Please help.
Poor thing. :rip:
Sorry for your loss.

What do you feed your fry?
When you say his waste was the same colour as his scales. What colour was the waste?
Did you notice any scales sticking out on the baby guppy.

For bloating epson salt baths.

Feed your remaining baby guppy with some peas.
Pop a few peas in boiling water for a few minutes.
Take them out and let them cool down.
Pop out of shell.
Chop into very tiny pieces.
Don't worry if fish turn there noses up at the peas. Sometimes it can take a couple of times before they start to eat the peas.
The waste was a whitish color. I thought it was poop at first but he had it for a whole day, even when he died. I think he might have been bloated. I have been feeding them this special baby guppy food for over a month now and they seem to eat it. It's supposed to be good for them but evidently not. Was the food the problem? I did not notice any scales sticking out.
Was the baby guppy food flakes?

To many dried foods can lead to constipation, bloating.

Always soak flake food, pellet food, in tank water before you let them eat it.
Frozen baby brime shrimp.
Veg like cucumber, broc, spinach, peas, sprouts, green cabbage, etc.
Blanch for a few minutes in boiling water. Chop into tiny pieces.
Yes. The food was little tiny flakes that would be tiny enough for the babies to eat. I did not know that this could cause constipation. D:
Give the peas ago. It's a laxative for fish.

Good Luck.

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