Fish Crazy
Sunday morning, he had turned white (I talked about this in a previous post), but had no other symptoms.
Yesterday morning, I thought I saw something along his spine, but it was too small, clear, and he kept facing the wrong way for me to get a good look.
This morning it looks like a blister or bubble of some kind. It's clear, and whatever inside it is clear too.
Tank size: 10g
pH: Don't measure, but moderately high
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5-10
kH: don't measure
gH: don't measure
tank temp: 78* F
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Sunday, he was white, spots still distinctly black. Mostly normal behavior at that time. Gradually became more listless throughout the week. We presumed because he was lonely. Now, as far as I can tell, he's not eating, and he mostly lies in one spot unless disturbed, and has some kind of blister, or bubble (just the one) near the rear of his spine, on one side.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: once a week 30% water change, plus about 10% once or twice additionally if I see excessive debris.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: No additives, regular hang on filter
Tank inhabitants: 1 male guppy, 2 male endlers, 1 african dwarf frog
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Nothing before this happened
Exposure to chemicals: Seachem Prime and Stressguard
There are no live plants, if that makes a difference.
I know it's hard to see on the picture, but he tends to hide towards the back of the tank, and I had to zoom in in order to get any sort of image of the thing on him. You can kind of see the outline of the thing toward his tail, it's on his left side.
Please help, he's my favorite fish!
Yesterday morning, I thought I saw something along his spine, but it was too small, clear, and he kept facing the wrong way for me to get a good look.
This morning it looks like a blister or bubble of some kind. It's clear, and whatever inside it is clear too.
Tank size: 10g
pH: Don't measure, but moderately high
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5-10
kH: don't measure
gH: don't measure
tank temp: 78* F
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Sunday, he was white, spots still distinctly black. Mostly normal behavior at that time. Gradually became more listless throughout the week. We presumed because he was lonely. Now, as far as I can tell, he's not eating, and he mostly lies in one spot unless disturbed, and has some kind of blister, or bubble (just the one) near the rear of his spine, on one side.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: once a week 30% water change, plus about 10% once or twice additionally if I see excessive debris.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: No additives, regular hang on filter
Tank inhabitants: 1 male guppy, 2 male endlers, 1 african dwarf frog
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Nothing before this happened
Exposure to chemicals: Seachem Prime and Stressguard
There are no live plants, if that makes a difference.
I know it's hard to see on the picture, but he tends to hide towards the back of the tank, and I had to zoom in in order to get any sort of image of the thing on him. You can kind of see the outline of the thing toward his tail, it's on his left side.
Please help, he's my favorite fish!