Blackout As Treatment For Clamped Fins.


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
West Devon
My 6 month old male betta has developed clamped fins (water stats fine, ph maybe slightly high at 7.6). This I have found is a fairly common problem in young males as they move into a larger tank, week 1 fine week 2 fins clamp. Probably to do with stress at having tank mates. He is a hmbf black copper/red. And his fins are a lot more fragile than a vt and pk males. The top half of his tail has remained unaffected and as the bottom has clamped up a large tare has formed. So to the point as a way of relaxing him and hopefully un-furling his fins I was considering comletely blacking out his tank for 2 days(putting a towel or something over it) and not feeding as well. I will continue to treat the tare with esha 2000.
This is just an idea, which unless anyone can suggest a reason why not I will start tomorow.
Any input on this will be welcomed.
What are the actual stats for your tank?  (Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite), and what size tank?
Clamped fins are a sign that something is not right.  Now this could be any number of reasons:  water stats that are off, temperatures that are not stable, or stress.  The first thing is to find the cause and then find a way to remedy the problem.  Did you move him recently to a tank with tankmates from a tank where he was alone?  If so then I would think stress and it may or may not subside.  Some bettas do not do well with any tankmates which causes them high levels of stress.  I am not sure what "esha 2000" is but if it is a medication, I would hold off on any meds.  A torn fin can easily be repaired with just really clean warm water and that is the least stressful for the betta as well.  Blacking out the tank for about a day to let him get used to it might help if it is only stress from being moved that is causing the clamped fins.  I would go ahead and black the tank out for a day and then watch to see if he has improved any at all.
What are his tankmates? It could be that they are bullying him & stressing him out
He came out of a barracks and into a 40ltr tank. The barracks has opaque walls seperating the males so as not to cause undue stress to the young fish. Although I am now fasting him for 2 days he eats like a betta (Hikari bio gold, Mysis shrimp, Brine Shrimp and Spirulia).
Stats Ph 7.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 4.0
The temp has been fluctuating a bit due to the hot weather, that and the thermostat on the heater isnt calibrated properly. I have hopefully set it at 26.5(79)
Tankmates are 2 WCM minnows and 6 shrimp. He does like to chase them even with partialy clamped fins.
The esha2000 is to help heal the tear and prevent any secondary infection.
Just looked under the blanket and he has improved slightly but is still a sad sight compared to last week.
I have held back on the water change tonight so as not to stress him, that and the stats are fine. I have attempted to loer the ph with flourish excell.
Hopefully he is being your normal sulky adolescant moody and eats like a pig,
Hope that helps. More advice is always welcome.
I wouldn't worry about the ph.  Actually trying to alter it could cause more problems and if not done correctly could shock the fish to death.  I also wouldn't add anything to help heal his tear since it will hear on its own with time and clean warm water.  I just don't care for any medication when not really needed.  White Cloud Minnows are not really a suitable tankmate for bettas since they are a more temperate fish and prefer cooler water.  Though they can live in water as warm as bettas prefer, that is the very high range of their tolerance and will over time shorten their life span. With just 2 of them, they are probably picking at the betta since they are better in bigger groups.  I would say a combination of tankmates and a new tank is the issue with your boy.  My suggestion is to remove the minnows and give him a couple of days to adjust to the change.  If he stays the same for more than 5 days or he starts getting worse (lethargy ect) then there might be something else going on.
I will take the cover off tomorrow after work and move the minnows out. I will feed him tomorrow but leave the lights for another day. Thanks for the advice. I will keep you posted about how it go's.
Good.  I hope he snaps out of it and starts behaving like he needs to.  :)
Man! That works, he is about 75% unfurled. Now the next problem is fishing out the minnows with out causing too much stress. The little guy must be starving, I will give him a nice protein rich feed tomorrow night. What is a bit of a bummer is with that tear in his tail he looks a bit like a double tail, arrrgh! I am not keen on them so hurry up and heal young man.
I am glad to hear that it was stress related and that the blackout helped.  Removing the minnows should remove the rest of the stress as well as making sure he has plenty of cover to hide in.  Bump his heat up to 82F-84F and feed him protein rich food while making sure to keep his water very clean and his fin will heal very quickly.  :)

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