Bl...y Snails


New Member
Feb 4, 2012
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Hi all....after purchasing a few plants from a well known retailer I am now infested with snails. I would very much welcome any suggestiom
as to how to get rid of them before they take over the tank,
please help.... Frederick
weigh down a piece of cucumber or lettuce at the bottom of the tank over night, in the morning it will be covered in snails, lift it out and dispose of the snails. You will need to do this repeatedly. :)
Try feeding less, they will be thriving off leftover food.

Try and remove as many as possible. Put a piece of lettuce in the tank, the snails will be attracted to it and you can remove a lot at once that way.

Get some assassin snails? I got 5 or 6 of these when I had an outbreak, and they gobbled up the pests within 4-6 weeks. Great little workers.
2 things to do:-

Reduce your feeding, so that they don't multiply so quickly.

Buy an assassin snail to finish off the rest. It's not an instant cure, but eventually it will rid your tank of the pests.
Chemicals aren't recommended, but when I was treating ick, I accidentally killed the hitch hiking snails. I've used the lettuce method before. It works well. Assassin snails are great too, as long as you have a way to feed them after they eat the pest snails. They make a nice looking addition to tanks.
Chemicals aren't recommended, but when I was treating ick, I accidentally killed the hitch hiking snails. I've used the lettuce method before. It works well. Assassin snails are great too, as long as you have a way to feed them after they eat the pest snails. They make a nice looking addition to tanks.

They are quite happy eating whatever the fish eat.

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