betta with community


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
can my betta go with:
  • mollys
  • various small gouramisi.e:honeys and chocolates
  • silver sharks
  • clown loaches
  • and some plecos
Well it really depends on your Betta, i got one in my community tank and he gets along with everyone, there are guppies, dwarf gouramis, danios, neons, a bristlenose and otos.

He was the only betta that i had that could go in there, he doesn't even flare at my other bettas. The other bettas will flare at the gouramis and guppies so he didn't got to get in and now he is in a barrack.

Try the guy, i floated my bettas when they were in their bags and saw their reaction, the most peaceful one got a probation period and he passed. Now he is swimming happily in the tank.
They get along with all of those fish, but i would watch out for the gouramis because i have heard stories that they dont get along to good. So just keep an eye out for them.

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