Betta In My 50 Gallon, Please Help


New Member
Aug 14, 2012
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As of right now my Betta is by itself in the 10 gallon, pretty happy I think. But I REALLY want Sunburst Mickey Mouse Platies (and possibly breed them) and my 50 gallon fish will eat them due to small size. So I did some research and see that they would be good for my 10 gallon, but I KNOW the betta won't have it. SO I thought about maybe putting the betta in the 50 gallon. I heard it is fine with other fish but I know last time it was with other fish it tail nipped my Neon Tetras.

In my 50 gallon I have the following:
4 Pictus Catfish
4 Fiddler Crabs
Dragon Goby
Albino Bristlenose Plecostomus
Rainbow Shark
Blue Gourami
Banded Leporinus

I heard that it may cause problems with Gouramis, and I also heard Bettas are aggressive to other fish brighter colored than itself(and it's white blue). Will this work?
From personal experience the Blue Gourami and the Betta will not work. Ive tried a similar setup, they lived ok for about 2 weeks then the Betta went crazy on the Gourami and lost. The betta will attack the gourami, or vice versa depending on the personalities of the two. Any way, its bad news. However everything else should be ok. I ended up donating my gourami to a lfs and put another betta in there, hes been great for almost a year.
I was afraid of that... Well thank you for the advice. My gourami is very docile for the most part so I think the betta would be the one to pick a fight...

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