Betta Has Attacked A Neon Tetra


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2012
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I moved my betta into a community tank with neons and a platy 4 days ago and everything has been fine, this morning I noticed one of the neons nipping my betta, but nothing serious has happened. Until tonight. I went to feed my neons and platy while my bettas pellets were soaking, I put the flakes into the tank and the neons went wild as usual, well seems one went to close to my betta and he sort of grabbed him and shook him, and now his eye looks like its missing and he is bleeding...... What should I do??? I have put him in a hatchery for now and hope he makes him, my betta isn't going for the others and didn't before, I think it just got to close to the flake my betta was eyeing up, and he just spits them out!
If the betta attacks a tetra once e chances are are he WILL do it again. I would keep the betta seperate.
Yup.  Bettas are very individual creatures.  Just because someone has success with their betta in a tank with neons doesn't mean that all will.  The reality is that each fish is its own entity and has its own personality.  And if this one has attacked another fish already, chances are that this is just the first in a long serious of incidents.  Its really best to isolate him.

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