Betta Fish Friends


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Jun 2, 2013
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So, I have had a red male betta fish in a 8-9 gallon tank for a few weeks now. The tank has a heater, and filter. He seems to be pretty timid, and quite shy as he loves to hide around the ornaments. The tank looks quite empty, so I was considering getting other fish and wanted some advice on what he would get on best with. I was considering getting a few platys, as I have read that their colours don't intimidate the betta. I was also looking at one or two zebra snails. Also, would it be OK to add fish into a tank even though he has already settled in and may have established it as his territory?
Please help, thanks :)
It's always a risk when considering fish as a betta tankmate.  There is really no saying how he will react.  I think snails are the safest bet.
My betta went into a 6 gallon tank with a zebra nerite already in it with no problems.  A spotted nerite joined him soon after he was introduced.  He flared at the new nerite for a hours, but never attacked.  Now they're coexisting peacefully.  I'd say he will establish a territory, but when he realizes the new tankmate isn't a threat, he will learn to accept him.  I'd be wary about new fish though.
It all boils down to the personality of the betta.
Have you considered shrimp?  Some people have had success, others have watched their shrimp become snacks.
I was never very keen on shrimp as they reminded me of ghosts! I have been considering a bottom feeder like a clown loach, but didn't know if it would grow to big - I didn't think that platys would become a threat to the betta, but was wondering if they had to be kept in groups? thanks

Also, do you think if I tried a bottom feeder or ghost shrimp first, and he got on wit them, do you think he would get along with other types of fish? (like platys)
I can't attest to this, but I think a betta will see bottom feeders and other fish differently.  A betta will flare at anything that might look like competition for territory or a mate.  So a betta may get on fine with a bottom feeding fish (plecs, cories, etc.)  but might not with a platy, for instance.
Other bottom feeders, such as snails and shrimp, don't look like fish.  So though they maybe in intruding on his territory at first, he might just get used to them since they aren't going to steal a mate from him.  This is my guess, anyway.
Clown loaches get 12 inches.  In less than a 10 gallon, I would advise against any bottom feeders except maybe 6 pygmy cories.  I would go with shrimp :)

I also think it has much less to do with the coloring of other fish, and more to do with their fins. This is why platies are okay with bettas but it is strongly discouraged to try something like a guppy.
I think platies are not suitable for a 8 to 9 gallon tank! I think they need more swimming room!
What you could do is when you introduce new fish, or shrimp to your Betta is to take him out of the tank, just for a short time while you switch up the decor in the tank, and add the shrimp or pygmy cories, then introduce him back into the tank. He may be less territorial then. :) But that is not a guarantee!
You will have to watch for any aggression and be prepared to separate them into different tanks if/when needed!
My first Betta did not even tolerate snails, he did however get along splendid with Kuhli Loaches! :) 
I have my betta in with ember tetra at the moment. Been no issues.
I would have to agree that a 8-9 gallon is not big enough for platies. I have a 60 gallon and my two platies are all over the place lol. They need room. I know cherry barbs are good for small tanks, not sure what the minimum size for them is, you could look into that though, they would give you a nice pop of color as well.
Iv got platys.

My betta is fine unless anyone dare hover around the top of the heater, then he comes up slowly and flares up, then the platy retreats. No real aggression, just handbags...

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