Betta + Angelfish + Rams?


May 16, 2012
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Are angelfish and rams compatible with female bettas?
Never mind, did a google search and found answers on this forum. It seems to be a try and test thing. Most people say no but it can be done in some occasions.
I'd say not traditional but no reason it shouldn't work beyond the usual aggression you can get between any fish, no matter how you plan.
in terms of personality - rams and angels should be fine together, but a bit of a risk with the betta.

the main problem lies with water conditions. Rams like the warmer end of the temperature range, 27c - 30c. Angels can handle being at the lower end of that, but bettas prefer it a little cooler. Finding a balance between the two would be difficult.
and all three can turn out to be absolute psycho's. Depends on what fish you get.
Thanks for your replies. :) When it comes to it, I'll take the chance and if it doesn't work out, I have a 22L and I'll return them so I can't really see the harm.

Also, I've had some horrible info off the internet then! Been keeping mine in 26c. I read 25c -30c online. :lol:
Though they've seemed fine, I wouldn't know about how their insides are working in that temp.

Just read 4 different pages saying bettas temp range is around 24c - 30c. Is the internet that bad these days? :/

Bit annoying if you want to keep your fish healthy and correctly!

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