Beginner Planted Aquarium Help


New Member
May 8, 2012
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I have a 30 gallon tank with 10 fish in it. I don't know what light I have and I have a aquaclear 50 filter. I wanted to add some plants and then eventually have a lot. I have gravel by the way.
1. What are some low demanding plants that basically take care of themselves or require little care?
2. What are the benefits of plants?
3. What are the cons of plants.
4. Any tips?

Thanks for your assistance in advance!
Java fern, Anubias and any type of moss (java moss, xmas moss)
Live plants look amazing (in my opinion), they oxygenate the water and help keep the water quality higher.
The only con of plants that i can think of is that they can cost a tiny bit more than fake, but it's defineatly worth it.
A good fertiliser will make your plants flourish and beautifully green. Alot of pruning at one time will stimulate fast growth.:good:
So I can use any kind of gravel or something? What is pruning?
Pros: They eat Nitrates.
They gather microscopic bio-film which can be fed on.
Unlike plastic plants your aquarium will have a different look every month.
They create the most natural look for you and the inhabitants.
Dead leaves are edible.

Cons: Cost.
Some are "fussy"
Dead/Rotting leaves can cause ammonia spikes.

Tips. Just try some out, see what works and what doesn't.
Crypts, Amazon swords, Valisnera, Wisteria, Water Sprite, Anubis Nana, Java Fern

you wont go wrong, good luck
With my older tank, it was practically impossible for me to kill the Java Ferns I had! just tie them to a piece of bog wood (or any hardscape) and you're set :good:

Otherwise, Swords, anubias (as mentioned), cabomba is hit-or-miss, but I think it is a really good looking plant tbh, also Vallis (especially if you have hard water).

As for advantages, they will chemically filter the water, provide shelter for your fish, generate a wide and balanced biofilm for fry to graze on (as well as bigger fish and specialists)

Planted tanks can be very expensive, but they can also be done 'on the cheap' if you are happy to wait and build up a collection of plants from forum members (although I would suggest a strong core from Tropica/TGM if you go all out :) )

'Cheap' set ups would be a Walstad style tank (potting soil substrate, fast growing/cheap plants, fairly good lighting ~1-2 wpg) a conversion from just an empty 2 ft tank to that set up could run as cheap as £30-40...

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