Fish Fanatic
Has anyone had any experience with these fish? My hubby bought 4 and half of them like to hang around the tank with their noses down.
Right now I have them in a 20 gallon but plan to move them into a 55 hopefully by the end of the month. Their other tank mates are 3 gourmi (2 dwarf blue, I can't tell if they are both neon or if one is a powder and a flame) and several platy.
And please don't tell me they need a bigger tank then a 55 as we already know and I've told the hubby but they should be fine until income tax time for me to get a much larger tank one more time and then I'm done buying him tanks I hope. I think I'm going to wait till we move his fish to another tank before I upgrade mine and just steal his 55.
Right now I have them in a 20 gallon but plan to move them into a 55 hopefully by the end of the month. Their other tank mates are 3 gourmi (2 dwarf blue, I can't tell if they are both neon or if one is a powder and a flame) and several platy.
And please don't tell me they need a bigger tank then a 55 as we already know and I've told the hubby but they should be fine until income tax time for me to get a much larger tank one more time and then I'm done buying him tanks I hope. I think I'm going to wait till we move his fish to another tank before I upgrade mine and just steal his 55.