Badis Bengalensis (Dario Dario) In 10 Gallon Planted Tank


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Jul 22, 2012
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I have a very well established (2+ years) heavily planted 10 gallon tank currently housing a pair of kribensis and a bristlenose pleco (as well as a few stray tiny juvies from the last couple of spawnings). I'm planning on moving the kribs out and converting this to a scarlet badis species tank. How many of the little guys can I put in a 10 gallon with lots of hiding places? A trio(1:2)? Two pair? Two males and a few females? Any input is appreciated. Thanks!
Two males and several females should be OK in a tank that size, if it's well structured. The males can get aggressive with each other when breeding though so you'll need to keep an eye on them, but the females should be pretty placid. Finding females will be by far the most difficult thing here, and I assume you're aware that they'll only take very small live foods.

Correct scientific name is Dario dario, by the way.
I've seen people keeping up to 10 (5m and 5f) in 10 gallon tanks that are heavily planted with lots of hiding places. However what tom said is still true and it would be better to have more females than males to keep the tank settled. If it were me, I would have about 6 or 7, 2 males and the rest females.
Thanks for the quick responses! I guess I'll shoot for two males and four or five females. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again!
This was an interesting thread, because of the location it was asked! Since Badis are neither Cyprinids, nor Characins, nor Atherinids, here seems to be wrong. But what are they though? A bit of research shows that they could equally well be thought of as relatives of Gouramies, or Cichlids for example...!
I'd put it as an oddball. :lol:
It can change colour which is odd. :good:

TekFish :good:

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