Background Plants ?


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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looking for some background plants to add a bit of depth to my setup as like 90% of my vals have died off :(
preferably something not too hard to maintain, i was thinking a couple of amazon swords as i have quite a gap that i want to fill, just not happy with the way my tank is looking at the moment :/
have a read of Georges post half way down :good:
Amazons work well, you can try Wisteria as well, they are pretty hardy and take nutrients from the water and not the roots so if you dose fertilizer it will do great and grow big and bushy. Also are you sure your Vals didn't just melt off in a new aquarium? They need some time to get used to their new surroundings and will lose most of their leaves at first, but should be sprouting new leaves.
i had wisteria before :) i do like it but i trimmed it and for some reason although i thought it grew like crazy it seemed to be slowly dying off so i got rid of it, and i've had my vals for over a month and they just dont seem to be growing, the leaves seem to just slowly wilt away, not having much luck with them.
Amazon swords are good. I have also found Java fern easy to keep, and I have a crypto wendtii brown that is going bananas at the moment it is outpacing the growth of all the other plants which is surprising for a crypt.
i have lots of java fern but thats about all i have in the way of background plants, i have a nice bunch of crypt wendtii and it does grow quite fast :) i have a bunch of another background crypt too i think its called crypt cordata, but its quite slow growing and is not very tall at the moment.

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