Baby Swordtails, Proud Mama


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2015
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Woke up this morning to some baby red swordtails! Didn't think my lady was close to having them. I have another very pregnant female in the tank with them and I'm just going to let them be. Survival of the fittest. And wait for my other female to give birth. She's super close too.
I spot about ten of them. And I'm not exactly worried about then getting eaten, she's so pregnant she gives up when chasing them. And they're fast little boogers. :) very proud.
Definitely took mama out though. She was starving. Hoping I have a great batch of fry. Looking forward to watching them grow :)
Any advice to keeping them now that I have them is greatly appreciated.
Congrats on the fry! :)
Just try to feed them often as you can throughout the day and they will do great.
congrats!! if you have some flake and you can crush it up really small (into a dust if possible) then they should just accept that. Livebearer fry are much easier to feed than egg laid fry as they are much bigger and so are able to accept larger grains of food.
Good luck with them and I'll look forward to photo's! Gotta love baby fish pics :D

forgot to say - feed them up to four times a day and they'll grow up big and strong
Thanks everyone! Hoping there's still around ten when I get home.
How would I go about feeding them while I'm at work?? Just feed a lot in the morning and make sure I feed them 2 or 3 more times once I get home? Really hoping my other female gives birth really soon. She looks like she's going to Pop.
I should have known she was in labor last night. I kind of thought she was because she was swimming really fast up and down the glass. And then would hide. But I couldn't know for sure. But now I know!
I'm sure some got eaten but there's still quite a few left and they survived the night with the hungry females lol ill.try and get some pictures later when I get home!
it's difficult to feed them when your not around so I'd aim to feed before you head out to work, when you get home from work and before heading to bed. That way they get fed 3 times in a day and if their tank is planted they'll find some infusoria to eat whilst your not around :)
Well I don't have much to feed anymore ): im sure some are just hiding really Well but I can only find 2 ): at least my other about to drop.
It's sad to not see then though.
You will be surprised they hide so well you may have more then you think.
It's very possible. I have full gravel, rocks.and lots Of plants. So they could just be hiding. Right now I can only see two. But as u have been watching my other female I am almost positive she is in labor. I see almost like a little white hole/tube. She also will swim and then stop and hover and then like wiggle a little. So I think we might have more babies soon.
if you can see the breeding tube opening then she's ready to drop - today I'd say :)
No babies as of this morning. Hoping I come home from work and see some. If not it'll be tonight :)
Still can only see 2 babies from the last birth. Super string little ones!
Still have no babies from my pineapple swordtail! She had to be so close. She just keeps getting bigger though. I officially have no babies from the previous birth ): my pregnant female u guess was super hungry. Just waiting and waiting for babies ....

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