Baby Cory Tank Dismantled And Other Fish Gone


May 8, 2012
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Ok, so I am moving country so had to dismantle my tank today and rehome my fish with a friend, but when I was xcleaning the external filter there was a live baby cory in there, so I set up my old 20l tank with about 5 litres of water in a bubbler and heater, and squezed the old filter sponges in to the water to put some bacteria an hopefully whatever it has been eating in there, but is this the correct way to keep it alive as I have just over a month before my flight and want to keep it alive till it is big enough to give away to my friend and not get eaten, any advice would be helpful with food and what not as it is about a 1cm long
Wrap the filter sponge around the airstone to create a sponge filter.
Daily water changes will be needed too, feed the baby on bbs if you can get them or very finely crush pellets.
If you have a bit of moss or a plant for it to hide in it'll feel more secure
Been a few weeks but the baby is still alive and growing well image.jpgimage.jpg
Great, you dit a good job !!! As a Cory-addict I'd say : New Country, new tank, new Corys !

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