Baby Celebes Halfbeaks


Mostly New Member
Aug 2, 2013
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Last night I was doing a water change and noticed swimming about on the waters surface four little fishes about 5mm-8mm long.

I can only assume because of their long thin shape that the pair of Celebes halfbeaks that were bought for me as thanks for looking after a friends hamster have bred and I now have four youngsters.

Having only been in the fish keeping game for around six months I need some advice on what is best to give them a fighting chance of survival.

At the moment they are in a community tank with a mix of tetras, pencil fish and a pair of angel fish. Unfortunately I don't have a spare tank to transfer them to so again any advice would be appreciated to reduce the chance of them becoming a snack.

Thanks in advance.
You don't need a spare tank float a plastic container in the one you have take the fry out & put them in the container until you can get a trap to put them in , mess traps only cost a few pounds .
I know that a lot of people separate their fry from other fish, but in my experience providing some plants or other things to hide in does the job incredibly well. Fry are born knowing how to hide, all they need is a place to do it.
Thanks for the tips and suggestions.
A couple of pictures as requested, I've seen four in total, but last night couldn't find any and then this morning I saw two.

Second picture


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