Kaidonni said:
I live in the UK. According to the website for my local water supplier, South Staffordshire Water, and the 2013 report, nitrates are between 19.3ppm-33ppm in my area, and gH is 159.2ppm, 11.1/15.9/8.9 degrees (Clark/French/German...don't know which is most applicable). Testing by myself, pH is usually ~7 from the tap and 7.4-7.5 in the tank.
The nitrates are rather high, then...
Wouldn't the tds of my tank - given the unique circumstances - be potentially very different to any possible new home for the Clown Loach? Any reliable method/kit for testing from the tank as opposed to the water?
I would not want nitrate that high, even for my drinking water. Allowable levels in the UK may differ from what is allowed in NA.
Your GH is actually ideal for a great many fish, and live plants. Soft water fish should have no issues. I keep my three largest tanks around 5 to 6 dGH (your water is close to 9 dGH which is fine).
The pH...when testing tap water pH, you need to outgas the CO2 or the reading may be inaccurate. I am suspecting that here, since it is a tad higher in the tank. You can outgas tap water by letting it sit for 24 hours, or briskly shaking it for a few minutes.
As for TDS, yes, these will naturally increase in a tank with fish from what is in the source water. Every thing we add to the aquarium increases the TDS somewhat, from water conditioners, plant fertilizers, any other water additives and many medications, and of course fish food. And the more fish in the tank, the more TDS. This is one reason why partial water changes are so essential for healthy fish; without changing sufficient water, the TSD just keep building.
The acclimation of new fish to the home aquarium is often thought to be necessary to avoid pH shock, but in fact it is more often TDS shock that is the issue. As you can appreciate from the foregoing paragraph, the water in the fish store tank is likely going to be loaded with TDS, unless they do major water changes (some do). With overcrowded fish tanks (a temporary situation but still relevant) the water in the bag with be higher than your aquarium, and acclimation gets the fish adjusted. The GH and pH and temperature also factor in of course.
You can buy TDS testing devices in places like home improvement stores, at least in NA. I have never bothered with this, because I know my tap water is so low, and I do major weekly water changes and don't overstock my tanks. I may get one though, just to see.