Assassin Snails.


Fish Crazy
Dec 9, 2007
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I'm new to this forum so forgive me if this has been answered before. I have some nuisance snails I want to get rid of and I thought of assassin snails. Question:- What do they eat when all other snails are gone?.
They eat their own kind. They are sort of cannibalistic in a way. Or if you have shrimp then its shrimp 
My assassins didn't go after each other, nor do they attack my red cherry shrimp. It would have to be a very very ill shrimp to be caught by a snail.
They eat normal fish food, they particularly like catfish wafers.
Thanks for replies, I don't have shrimp yet but I was thinking of getting a couple the only problem is I have a tetra tank with Serpae, Cardinals, neons etc. would it be advisable to add shrimp. The tank is well planted.
Don't see a problem with cardinals or neons. Never kept serpae.
Serpae are a bit nippy. They can and will eat shrimps. they have the guts for it, They even can dare nip at tiger barbs
I have Neons,Cardinals,Cherry Shrimp and Assassins together with no problem
My Assassins eat flake food and when i treat the fish with bloodworm they are normally first in the queue
I've had assassins for some time (and a lot, at LEAST 40+ that I can actually count).  They have never ever eaten anything other fish/shrimp that were not already dead.  They did eat my first batch of eggs from my honey gourami though.  I've had them with platies, guppies, neons, honey gourami, cherry shrimp and amano shrimp... no troubles at all.
They eat whatever food they can get ahold of, flakes, bloodworms, algae wafers, etc.  Seeing as I started with 6 and have had 70 at highest count (sold some to the LFS this summer)... they are thriving on normal tropical fish diet.  LOL

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