Are These Compatible?


New Member
Dec 29, 2005
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York, England
Hi, I am thinking of getting some Gouramis and some others for my new 40UK gallon Fish tank,Would these be OK? He we go~
4x Dwarf Gouramis
2x Gold Gouramis
2x Pearl Gouramis
2x Opaline Gouramis
2x Angelfish
2x Clown Loach

Please your honest opinion please because I am young and I need some advice!! :/

Thanks Willbo ;) ;)

I forgot to add also would I be able to have a Golden Nugget Plec in aswell cos there so cooooooooooooollllllll!!!!

Thanks Willbo
I foresee aggression problems with all those different gouramis. I would choose one species only and go for a trio: one male, 2 females.

I would also choose a smaller plec than the golden nugget: yes, it is cool but it can grow to 14 inches. If you went for one of the smaller plecs, and a trio as above, you could still fit in a small group of something small and peaceful, like rasboras.

edit; sorry forgot the angelfish (second time tonight I ve forgotten about somebody's angelfish, must have it in for the poor things). Dont know how well they go with gouramis, will leave someone else to pronounce on that.
The trick with keeping large quantitys of gouramis is to overstock to prevent territories being set up and stunt aggression so either stick with a couple or get lots of filtration and keep lots.
40 UK gallons is what? 45 US gallons? Perhaps a little more? Anyway, it's not enough.

4x Dwarf Gouramis - These are quite peaceful fish but it's generaly difficult to get females so you're stuck with males - which are territorial and need around 10 gallons to establish a territory in or else you're likely to encounter some aggression. Also, these are fragile fish, very susceptible to disease, and don't do well with aggressive or highly competitive species.

2x Gold Gouramis and 2x Opaline Gouramis - These are the same species. There are several other color morphs as well. What they all have in common is one rather nasty disposition. Males, especialy, will even kill each other or their tankmates. They are not good fish to crowd and it's best to stick to a female-only group with no other gourami species if you want three-spots.

2x Pearl gouramis - Generaly peaceful, males are, none the less, territorial so should not be crowded. As is the case with most gouramies, they do better in trios (1 male, 2 females) or an all-female group.

2x Angelfish - You can't sex angels so most people buy a group of 6 or so and let them pair off, returning the 4 or so that remain after one pair has formed. Regardless, angels and all the gouramies you mentioned are all territorial and all occupy the same parts of the tank. There is no way you can combine 4 aggressive three-spots, 2 angels, 4 dwarfs and 2 pearls and not come across some very serious issues.

2x Clown Loach - Need a minnimum of 90 gallons realy - at least once full grown they do.

Basicaly, what you are proposing is not going to work. You should also cosndier that you'd be over-stocked as far as biological filtration is concerned.

If you want my opinion, get yourself some kind of smaller loach - eg: a group of zebra loaches. Add a trio of pearl gouramies. Plus put in a school of 7 or so praecox rainbows. Maybe, depending on how many of each fish you end up with, get a trio of swordtails and/or a pair of bolivian rams for some extra color. Try to balance out the tank so you have fish at all levels and a maximum of 5 gouramies of any type in total. Don't forget that angels and gouramies will only work if you are very careful of what you combine with what and only if you allow them plenty of extra room to set up territories.

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