Fish Fanatic
I have 5 kuhli loaches, 2 of them are going crazy swimming on top all around the tank, they go down to rest and then they're back up again! Is it normal??
I do have plants which i will be re arranging tomorrow so it makes a bunch and itll make it a place for them to hide. I also have a driftwood and a mini tunnel. I think there are enough places to hide.Do thay have anywhere to hide? their shy and dont like being out in the open until its dark and nothing can see them. If you have nowhere for them to hide turn the light off so thay dont stress out and die and keep it off untill you get something for them to hide in, half coconut, clump of java moss etc. Java moss is good as you can still see them hiding amongst it but thay feel safe.
I do have plants which i will be re arranging tomorrow so it makes a bunch and itll make it a place for them to hide. I also have a driftwood and a mini tunnel. I think there are enough places to hide.
I have 5 kuhli loaches, 2 of them are going crazy swimming on top all around the tank, they go down to rest and then they're back up again! Is it normal??
Do thay have anywhere to hide? their shy and dont like being out in the open until its dark and nothing can see them. If you have nowhere for them to hide turn the light off so thay dont stress out and die and keep it off untill you get something for them to hide in, half coconut, clump of java moss etc. Java moss is good as you can still see them hiding in it but thay feel safe.