Mostly New Member
I have a 20 gallon tank with 2 guppies and 6 panda cories, while 2 pandas were added for a few months with no problems, and 4 were added last week. A few questions I have:
I am very new to having cories (or just aquarium in general) so any insights would be appreciated! Thanks!
- I have noticed 2 pandas have been swimming up and down against the side of the aquarium glass A LOT. Is that abnormal? Are they being really agitated? I have even seen one of them "hopping" on the bottom occasionally too (I use sand substrate).
- Also, when I put in sinking food, there's one (not the 2 mentioned above) that don't seem to join the others. He does seem to search on the wood in the tank for food though, but has never touched the food I fed. Is it because he doesn't recognize the "food"? Do I need to worry about him not eating enough?
- Some of them seems to have white "specular" scale (like, it looks like it could reflect light?) on a portion of their bodies, but not all of them, is that an indication of some kind of disease?
I am very new to having cories (or just aquarium in general) so any insights would be appreciated! Thanks!