Are My Guppys Ok!


New Member
Nov 15, 2013
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I got these guopys in tuesday i got 5 alltogether 2 males and 3 females, today one of my females looks a bit bloated and is been harrased by the boys wich is really stressing her out. Ive seperated her from the main aquarium just cause I read it myt calm her down also all three of my girl have been putting ther tails to one side all day, what should I do. By the way I dont have a clue what im doing on this site.. hope ive posted this in the right part lol. Sorry I cant upload a photo it says thd file is too big..
I suspect that most of your problems are stemming from the fact that your tank isn't what we call 'cycled'.
That means it doesn't have a colony of good bacteria living in the filter. The bacteria eat the ammonia produced by the fish and turn it into less toxic substances; first nitrite, which is also toxic, and then nitrate, which is only toxic at very high levels, and which we keep low with water changes, in a cycled tank.
You will need to get some test kits, for ammonia and nitrite, but until then, try change at least 95% of the water right now; leave just enough water for the fish to swim upright (don't forget to switch your heater/filter off first!) before refiling with warmed, dechlorinated water. Then do 50 or 60% every day until you can afford some test kits.
How big is your tank?
one of your female guppy might be bloated or just pregnant.
a pic would help.have you tried uploading it in image hosting sites then paste it in here?

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