Aquatic? Non Aquatic? Names?!


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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My mum decided to treat me to some new plants for my tank and I have absolutely no idea what they are! I know what 3 of them were and I know whether they are aquatic or not but these I have no clue! I think there's a twisted valis in there.
I've lettered them so you know which is which and everything.













The ones I know about that aren't in any of the photo's are Elodea, Cabomba and a Dracenia which is now in a pot on the windowsill.
I have "E" in my aquarium and it is doing great, don't know what it is called though, sorry! :S
I have "E" in my aquarium and it is doing great, don't know what it is called though, sorry! :S

It's OK, I'm sure someone will be able to tell me.
How long have you had it in there? Is it growing and everything?
So I now know "E" is aquatic...
J is Red Ludwigia - Looks beautiful under water and is doing good in my tank. Haven't measured any growth yet though. (i mainly tied it using twist ties or used rubber bands to attach it to stuff. It is a stem plant that wont produce roots. If you find a good way to tie it down it works real nice.

D is an onion plant. It is aquatic Just bury the roots and you are good on those.

I don't know the rest

I and C might be easier to tell if put in the water. They look familiar but it is hard to tell with the leaves like that.
c could be cambodia, needs to go in water to see it properly

D twisted vallis

E looks like Bolbitis heudelotii

H possibly some kind of saggitaria

not sure on the rest out of water, its hard to tell
I have "E" in my aquarium and it is doing great, don't know what it is called though, sorry! :S

It's OK, I'm sure someone will be able to tell me.
How long have you had it in there? Is it growing and everything?
So I now know "E" is aquatic...

I have had it a couple of months. It isn't turning brown or dying so I presume it will be fine :look: It looks a bit like a fern, its quite unusual, I like it.. :nod:
Thanks, everyone. I'll try and get pictures of them in water tomorrow but if anyone can give me common names for the ones they know?
c could be cambodia, needs to go in water to see it properly

D twisted vallis

E looks like Bolbitis heudelotii

H possibly some kind of saggitaria

not sure on the rest out of water, its hard to tell

I can't say I agree.

Twisted Vallis or Corkscrew Vallis does not have a white rooted end with white roots. It has more a of a brownish shorter stock with thinner and browner roots. I think this is an onion plant.

Here is a picture of Vallis:

Here is a picture of Onion Plant:

The C I agree needs to go in the water but I don't think it is cabomba...although that stuff looks so weird out of the water. Cabomba usually has thicker leaves. This looks more like some dense Frill or another kind of stem plant. Then again once it goes in the water we could both be wrong.
just checked on google images, most images of tisted vallis have white at the bottom and roots

post up on UKAPS, they will all be answered in seconds there :)
just checked on google images, most images of tisted vallis have white at the bottom and roots

post up on UKAPS, they will all be answered in seconds there :)

It could be either, there are some vallis strands that do that (I see the ones online too). Although from the looks of his picture it does look like onion.

My Vallis plant looks like the one I posted.

The problem is the both plants have the SAME leaves...or at least appear to be. Hard ID.

IMO I think it is an Onion Plant. All the Onion plants I have seen look like that while the Twisted/Corkscrew Vallis I have look different.
Here are the in water photo's of I and C.


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