Aquascaping Ideas


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2014
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I really don't know what to do with my tank, I look at it and I feel fustrated anyone got any ideas on how I can improve it?


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I would turn it the right way up

MY preference is for a very well planted tank where you can't see everything at a glance. Dense bunches of plants that fish can pop in and out of. Have a look at the tanks in the tank of the month archives, there will be something there that you can emulate or at least take some ideas from.
What annoys you about it?
First thing I notice is the massive heater, maybe you could get a shorter heater that doesnt stand out quite as much and you could have it upright in the corner and use that tall plant in front to hide it, like how you have hidden the filter. You could also try moving the thermometer more to the corner so its not so in view. 
For the cory you have, I would change from that large gravel to sand, he/she would appreciate it and it would sift through the sand naturally.
If you have a cory, you should:
- Get at least 5 more
- Have sand as a substrate, as cories sift through the sand to scavenge for food, and they have really sensitive barbels, easily damaged on gravel. 
I think you should add more plants, maybe even some floating ones? Also some more foreground and backround plants. You could even change to a black blackround, that would make everything stand out more. 
Those are just my few ideas, tank looks nice!
Thank you, I will try putting the heater upright in the corner and putting some plants in front of it. I think I will buy some floating plants. Thank you for your help :)
i would take the lead weights of the plants  and remove the foam  then space the plants out a bit more it will fill your tank out a bit more at the back

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