Aqua One 620T Tank. (Tropical, Planted)


Mostly New Member
Apr 21, 2014
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I set up this tank just over a year ago.
initial set up.jpg My initial set up. (fishless cycling)
This is my tank today.
It is currently home to;
2 Angels, male & female, they like to lay eggs every 2-3 weeks, mainly after WC.
1 Beta, male.
1 Peppermint Bristlenose. Had 2, but 1 just disapeared.
1 Yoyo loach. Had 2, but 1 also just disapeared.
1 Swordtail, female, Had another female & male, female recently died giving birth, & male died shortly after.(heart broken?)
4 Neon Tetras.
5 Xray Tetras.
4 Platties.
3 Siamese Algae Eaters.
And as you can see, lots of plants, rock & driftwood.
Oh, I mustn't forget the tiny snails that live in the overhead filter.(strangely, but thankfully, not in the tank).
Recently I changed to LED lighting which resulted in fantastic plant growth.
It wasn't an easy road, with quite a few setbacks along the way, for example, misdiagnosis of a non existing disease by a LFS, (said a white Molly had Velvet, so I treated the tank, killing some fish including the Molly, and it turned out the Molly was just maturing & getting some yellow spots, I also had some plant issues early on, not getting some true water-submersible plants, these rotted very quickly, and some Algae issues, as we all have, but all seems to be fairly good at the moment.
I do 20% water changes aprox every 2 weeks using rain water, not tap water & parameters are very stable.
I hope you like my tank,

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