aponogeton ulvaceous


Oct 9, 2003
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i have one, and its growing fast, but its kinda droopy, the leavs arent very upward, they kinda sag and stay low to the ground. i have 2.7 wpg in a 46g and i use liquid fertilizer every once in a while.

what can i do to make it stronger?
to make what stronger the light or the plant..

Fast growing plant need lots of light and co2. Sound like you have some light, but

Calcium------------ (1) mild deficiency---Smaller, distorted new leaf growth.
Reduced leaf tissue, with the central vein persisting.
Leaves often cupped, rather than flat. (2)moderate
deficiency---Often sudden bends or twisting of leaf, which
is now much reduced in size. White streaks or white edges
in new growth. Roots are stubby and twisted. Root
tips may
die. Leaves of Vallisneria are strongly crinkled as
they have tried to grow and got jammed in a small space.
(3) severe deficiency---New growth almost entirely white.
Leaves are tiny deformed stumps. Growing points for both
shoot and root die.
That sounds normal for ulvaceous. They have enormous leaves that kind of sag a bit. Mine is huge and doesn't go directly upwards. In fact, it's just all over the place!
Calcium deficiency is very rarely encountered unless you are using RO water or some other very soft acid water source.

I have a couple of a. ulvaceous. There are numerous varieties. I have to say, both of mine are reasonably upright, but I've seen others which are pretty much horizontal.

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