Anyone Play Black Ops2


1 Woman Army ;)
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Hi I am a self confessed COD fangirl. I have been to the launches of MW2, MW3, Blops and Blops2.  I wasn't a big fan of MW2 and MW3 but I loved treyarch's world at war and black ops. It's my favourite. So when black ops 2 came out I was super excited. I loved nuketown 2025 and I loved the new game modes like kill confirmed and hardpoint was a better version of headquarters. Then all I played was hardcore capture the flag. Now they have taken it away from the playlist and replaced it with domination. I am so annoyed! Normal capture the flag isn't the same. After you get used to hardcore and the extra bullet damage it's hard to adapt back to normal game modes! You put a whole mag into them and they are still running towards you! It's so annoying! 
Does anyone else play blops2 and what game modes do you play? 
Used to play COD online many years ago. Unfortunately there are no longer enough hours in the day to be able to enjoy such things.
I hated playing COD 4, It was only when MW3 came out I got back into it! I put my little one to bed and then play it lol
Huge Blops fan :D
Zombies though mostly, but I do like HC Search and Destroy and Kill Confirmed.
Gamer Tag "I Shaddex I" thats Capital i and the beginning and end :D
I'm playing hardcore search and destroy just now! I will add you, I am XxNylahxX aka 1 woman army :p
New tomb raider all the way!!
I don't understand these first person shooters where all you can see is a gun..I just get motion sickness and have to stop after 10 mins lol:-Dlol I've just come off the new tomb raider after playing for 2 hours :-D hours im such a sado ;-);-)
love blackops 2 my fav game modes are s&d and free for all  what is your fav gun  mine is the ballista  or dsr 50
I like the dsr50 with the ballistics cpu, awesome power for a bolt action rifle. For small maps like nuketown I use the mp7 with no attachments and I really like the type 25 with surpressor! In mw3 I used the AS50 that was awesome!

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