Anyone Got Any Advice For A Fluval 3Plus?


Ohai dere c:
Apr 4, 2011
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i dont really want an external as i havent got the room but i wondered if you had any tips for it?
its a 95 litre... very overkill... in total i have 1380 l/h of circulation in there but it is all dissipated around... and the betta loves it!

when i rescape it will be moved and i will have it mounted upside down as i will be keeping corys and i have heard they like bottom flow

i would've got a u series, but the u3 id 600 l/h and this is 700... and this 3plus was in a tank bundle for 20 quid
there we are then.. and a bargain too

mounted upside down? lol thats a new one on me! are you sure it would be ok? ive kept cories and no issues with using a filter normally .. with that turnover im sure it would be fine normal
inlet slits at the top and the powerhead at the bottom... it will work fair enough and perhaps better as gravity will make the dirt fall past the filter
i will... i have to get back from holiday and then i'll start the rebuild
Far superior to the U series, and I don't think it's overkill in a 95 litre at all, I had two Plus 2s running in an 85 litre.
fair enough :3 is there a way i could rig a spraybar?
Hmm, not easily I don't think, the output only swings side to side so far. Maybe with some wide airline tubing, make some holes and plug up the end.

PS I wouldn't mount it upside down but it can be laid on its side no problem.
aaaaah ok... on its side it is then... most of the dirt is at the bottom anyway so having the vents at the top makes little sense :good:
You coould always find a small powerhead cheap and have that installed at the bottom, leaving the filter at the top, get a good circulation going.
nah... on its side as i have a interpet pf1 to go at the top (380l/h) it will provide good circulation for the top and the fluval3plus amazing circulation for the bottom...

Yep that works too :good: similar set up to one I had for a temperate tank with hillstreams in, worked quite well.

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