Any Suggestions On Stock


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2010
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Current stock in my signature. Looking to add a Bristlenose Pleco and something else. Rather not a school of fish but an individual fish that would do well in my tank with no problems. Had to give back a school of cardinal tetras because my barbs almost chased them to death, was pretty misinformed.

Was thinking a Pearl or Opaline Gourami but I think they will outgrow my tank. I don't know.
Rather not have any other bottom dwellers besides the plec as well.
Tiger barbs should not be in the same tank as any kind of gourami, they are too aggressive and nippy. The ram requiers high temperature that the other fish do not thrive at. Instead of adding any fish, I recommend reworking your current one.
Tiger barbs would kill the gourami. Is the temp of your tank at least 80 degrees? If its not, your blue ram wont do good. I would suggest a live bearer like mollie or Platy. No guppies, as the barbs would destroy their tail. So, a school of 1 male and 4 female platies would be cool.

Hope this helps! :good:

No worries my tank is set at 79-80 degrees for the Ram and it is feeding, showing its blue colors, swimming around the tank and even competing with the barbs for food. The barbs don't even notice the gourami and if they do see it they ignore it. Never had any problems with barbs and gouramis only smaller fish.

I think the GBR temperature requirement is exaggerated as I've seen and been told by many fish keepers that a temp of at least 76 would suffice up to 86. They are more hardy than people think and I keep my tank in top notch condition. Any other advice would be great.

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