Antique Fish Tank


Reef Tank, Crustacean, and Puffer Enthusiast
Retired Admin ⚒️
Aug 20, 2012
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While I find this tank to be beautiful and even a work of art. I think I would rather have a modern glass box. Personally I would rather the tank be almost invisible so what's inside stands out more. I've never gotten into fancy designs for tanks.
What do you think? It's a mere $6500 USD on eBay.
Well that's, um...very interesting, indeed!
Not exactly my cup of tea, but I sure can see the appeal. How old is 'antique' in this case?
Interesting as a conversation piece but not my cup of tea as an aquarium
Actually, I have always wanted the old style tanks which had a slate bottom. This is actually the ideal bottom for plecos when one is not using any substrate, imo. The problem is a slate bottom tank needs a small crane to lift.
That tank is a collectible, not a functional tank. And at that price he can keep it.
But for those that are curious, as I was, try doing a Google for "Antique Fish Tank" There are some neat pictures.
I would like it for a terrarium, maybe or maybe a display case for other collectibles. But I could find better uses for 6500 bucks!
Yeah...can't really imagine putting fish into it. It is pretty, tho!
As I look more at it what I think I would like is a stand made of the same design. If this were a stand that I could sit an aquarium on top of, that would be cool.
A really lovely tank imho.
But at that price hmm :/
Although I'd be more worried using this if this is genuine antique glass as in days gone by they used lead in the glassmaking process and this is not exactly good news for stocking, especially inverts.
Its a lovely looking tank and wouldnt look out of place in a room full of antiques and decrative pieces but it doesnt really have a place in the modern home.
Im more of a glass tank with a pelmet type guy myself.
I love antiques, and I love that tank. But I would not use it for fish, because it wouldn't look good with any scape I can think of honestly. And way too expensive for me :p
If it's really from the 1930's I imagine it's quite a rare piece. I'm not sure how many of these were ever made. Fishkeeping was a rich man's hobby back then, or a scientist's. 
tcamos said:
Personally I would rather the tank be almost invisible so what's inside stands out more.
I don't think it would suit modern neon-blue gravel and a 'No Fishing' sign either ;) but it might make a nice frame for a simply rocky aquascape.
Doesn't float my boat I'm afraid - far too fussy for my taste!

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