So I bought what I thought...or was told were to female bettas. I have a 15 gallon with 4 preexisting and all gravid I may add! Anyways there was one I picked out which didn't look to dissimillar from the rest but had slightly longer fins! I had a hunch but know u can get longer fined females so looked for the whit spot which he had! Even asked the employee which he guarenteed they were all female! Anyways added them slowly and when introduced there wasnt even any aggression what so ever. Come late ebening and i could hear splashing so decided to see whats going to which is when I noticed two courting and could see his membrane from his gills where he was flaring and he was attempting to blow a bubble nest! This is when I noticed the female become aggressive towards the rest and took him straight out! Anyways basically will my girls settle down! The rest seem fine but the female he was courting with seems hostile when they come to the opening of the tank like she thinks he'll return! She thought she was gna get lucky ha and basically she's not!! Will things settle? I knew I should have gone with my hunch! Soo miffed!