Angelfish Not Eating


Feb 21, 2012
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Hi all This is for a friend
She bought 2 angelfish about a month ago and they were both fine , For the last couple of days 1 has been going to eat and just spitting it out . Today she went and bought some live brine shrimp and again straight away went to eat and then just spat out what it put in his mouth . His poo has now gone white and stringy. The water stats are good no ammonia or nitrite and the tank is 3 years old so well established apart from the angelfish , my friend bought 2 rams which are ok and a couple of new plants, same time.
All of her other fish are not showing any signs of not being unwell .
I know angels can be picky eaters , this was why she got some live brine shrimp to tempt him , but he acts like he is really hungry then just spits it out . Apart from this he has no other signs of anything wrong with him.
Her tank is 300lt and has roughly 25 fish in  and she does 25% water change and cleans substrate weekly and also big clean once a month which includes filter .
Also the other angelfish picks on this 1 quite a lot could it be to do with that but then that would not explain the white stringy poo .
I know I will get some great advice on here
cheers for reading
Clear white poo sounds like a internal parasite, I'd be looking at QT the angel and treating it for something along those lines.
Hi Cheers for answering , can this infect the other fish as she has bottom feeders also other cichilds that sift through the sand ? so would it be better to dose the tank just in case ?
It could pass it and move onto the substrate being that it's still alive. You could treat the entire tank if you wish, But that's where I'd start.
Hi Cheers for answering , I have passed on your info to her


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