Hey all
Went to the lfs yesterday as the girlfriend wanted to get some angelfish, while she was doing that I was having a look around.
when I came back she had two platinum angels bagged up, they came from a tank with quite a few in there along with some other fish, cant remember what they where though.
Stupidly I never checked the fish over before she bought them.
When we got them home I noticed that one of them has a very large white patch on its side, It didnt look too bad at first as the lights where off in the tank and I could only get a glimpse of them through the bag.
Skip forward a few hours, the angels are in the tank the lights come on and I can have a better look. Straight away I dont like the look of what i see.
One of the angels is fine but the other has a massive white patch on one side and a slightly smaller one on the other side.
It also has some strange lumps at the front of its anal fin.
Both angles seem happy swimming and eating fine, no odd behaviour at all.
I had a quick look for angel disease and didn't find any thing that matches what this angel has.
I was wondering if it had been attacked while in the tank with all the other fish and its been left with a nasty mark?
The angles are both small juveniles. I've taken some pictures in the hope some one can identify what this is and what the best course of action will be.
smaller white patch on one side.
the larger patch on the other side
and the lumps at the front of the anal fin
Hope some one can help.
Went to the lfs yesterday as the girlfriend wanted to get some angelfish, while she was doing that I was having a look around.
when I came back she had two platinum angels bagged up, they came from a tank with quite a few in there along with some other fish, cant remember what they where though.
Stupidly I never checked the fish over before she bought them.
When we got them home I noticed that one of them has a very large white patch on its side, It didnt look too bad at first as the lights where off in the tank and I could only get a glimpse of them through the bag.
Skip forward a few hours, the angels are in the tank the lights come on and I can have a better look. Straight away I dont like the look of what i see.
One of the angels is fine but the other has a massive white patch on one side and a slightly smaller one on the other side.
It also has some strange lumps at the front of its anal fin.
Both angles seem happy swimming and eating fine, no odd behaviour at all.
I had a quick look for angel disease and didn't find any thing that matches what this angel has.
I was wondering if it had been attacked while in the tank with all the other fish and its been left with a nasty mark?
The angles are both small juveniles. I've taken some pictures in the hope some one can identify what this is and what the best course of action will be.
smaller white patch on one side.

the larger patch on the other side

and the lumps at the front of the anal fin

Hope some one can help.