Angel Fish Vs. Gourami


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I have a 30 gal tank (36x12x18)It is in the process of being planted, currently have several Amazon sword plants as well as some Java moss and some Hornwart clippings that are taking root.

The stock is (Or will be):
2 Mollies (Both female)
4 Platy's (3 female, 1 male)
4 Guppies (as far as I can tell 4 female, but possibly an even male to female ratio)
6 Panda Cory (Unknown gender)
8 or so Cardinal Tetra's (Unknown gender)
Possibly a few shrimp. (Unknown Gender)
The tank hovers around 78 degrees, has a pH of about 8 and has sand substrate.

I've done a little bit (Like the minimum) amount of research on Angle fish and the same is true for Gourami.

I have no problems with over breeding live bearers as both my female Mollies go crazy over fry - in a 'nom-nom-babies' sort of way.

I was hoping to get either a pair of Angel fish OR a single Angel fish OR a pair of Gourami OR a single Gourami (Not sure what type of Gourami either)

Anyways, given this information, which of the before mentioned options would probably be best in my case in your opinions?
Angels get real big. They aren't as hardy of a fish as the gourami. Gourami are like bettas in that they have a labyrinth organ and breath from the surface. I had a kissing gourami I loved when i was a kid but that fish got HUGE and I had to find it a home in a bigger tank. Now I have two golden gourami I like a whole lot. I have heard they can get very aggressive. Although mine are very peaceful. I don't have very extensive experience with either fish but I think a pair of gourami are your best bet with your tank size. A dwarf species may be perfect. I really like the fire gourami, sometimes called red gourami I think. The red and blue of a fire gourami would probably compliment your tetras well. Check them out, hope this gave you a few ideas.
A pair of Pearl Gouramis would make a nice centerpiece pair for your tank. Avoid most of the other larger gouramis like Blue, Opaline, Gold, Platinum, etc. They are all color versions of the same fish, and could get aggressive in your community tank. Angels get too big for your tank. Don't hold your breath waiting for that Hornwort to take root, that particular type of plant has no roots. You can push it down into the substrate, and it should stay put, or you can just let it float.
I was thinking Honey Gourami if I can find them, I've heard Dwarves tend to be shrimp eaters but if they'd be happiest in my tank than I just wont get shrimp :p
So none of the opaline, blue or any of those fish that have the same latin name? :p I'll have to check out my LFS and see what they have in stock.

(I've noticed the hornwart doesn't have roots but still manages to grow almost to the top of my tank) But I do have trouble keeping it in the sand, I just super-glued it to a rock and put the rock under the substrate so I'm confident it'll stay down lol.

Thanks :D
What is the minimum size for Angels? I always thought it was 30 gal!
it's not the volume that's the limit for angels - it's the height of the water column. You really need a minimum of 18" from substrate to water surface as angels can get to 10" in height - obviously the taller the tank the better.
Ah I see, thanks. I can't house Angels right now due to my stocking but I want to make sure my new tank (whenever I get it) is big enough to Angels when the day comes.

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