When it rains it pours. (See my post in emergencies)
So, I had an ammonia spike in my main tank last night as well. I immediately did a 50% water change and used Ammolock. My ammonia was 8.0+ last night but ph, nitrates, nitrites, etc were normal. Ph was 7.6 others 0. NOW, ammonia is 8.0+ , Nitrates are 5, Nitrites are .50 and Ph is 7.2
So my question is, did the Ammolock cause the spikes in the Nitrates/Trites, since what it does is break down the ammonia to a non-toxic form so it can be consumed? AND what should I do? Another water change today? Argh!!!
So, I had an ammonia spike in my main tank last night as well. I immediately did a 50% water change and used Ammolock. My ammonia was 8.0+ last night but ph, nitrates, nitrites, etc were normal. Ph was 7.6 others 0. NOW, ammonia is 8.0+ , Nitrates are 5, Nitrites are .50 and Ph is 7.2
So my question is, did the Ammolock cause the spikes in the Nitrates/Trites, since what it does is break down the ammonia to a non-toxic form so it can be consumed? AND what should I do? Another water change today? Argh!!!