Aquarium: 48 liters gallon
House Guests: 5 amanos, 1 betta, 5 neon tetra
Hello, first of all i want to say how disappointed I am, feeling that i made a huge mess here.
Here is a small introduction:
I have a 48 liters (12 gallon) aquarium and last week after making a 10% water change and tested the water, I felt confident enough to add more residents in the aquarium.
I had been looking for dwarf corydoras at the pet stores but since i could not find anything at the local stores, I considered it to be a dream. Well it has remained a dream and decided to go for neon tetras since I had read that they are shoaling together and they are quick enough to get out of the betta's view. I had read many posts that they get along.
Let me say; HUGE MISTAKE!!
At first everything was good, then suddenly three days ago, I woke up and found a tetra missing an eye and another one with its tale a bit bitten. I was very sad and sorry about my decision.
I considered to be the betta even though at the daylight it showed no sings of aggression. I isolated him to a ball for now and will take another smaller aquarium for him to be, since i really love my fish.
Today though one of the amanos attacked one tetra, it jumped on it out of the blue, i clearly saw it and the poor fish panicked and swam like crazy around until it got over it and then returned with another tetra and they attacked the amano at the sides(!).
Are the fish going crazy here?
I thought that betta was the culprit but I am not quite sure. Amanos attack as well? I have no idea what to do here? Actually I am thinking of putting my betta back inside, get over with experiments, and give the tetras away. It seems that confusion in the tank has been created out of nowhere and I am to blame. But what can I say? Now I am so stressed that I count tetras every one hour, thinking that I just did a huge mistake. Also two tetras are going hiding. Do the amanos scare them so much? I had no idea.
House Guests: 5 amanos, 1 betta, 5 neon tetra
Hello, first of all i want to say how disappointed I am, feeling that i made a huge mess here.
Here is a small introduction:
I have a 48 liters (12 gallon) aquarium and last week after making a 10% water change and tested the water, I felt confident enough to add more residents in the aquarium.
I had been looking for dwarf corydoras at the pet stores but since i could not find anything at the local stores, I considered it to be a dream. Well it has remained a dream and decided to go for neon tetras since I had read that they are shoaling together and they are quick enough to get out of the betta's view. I had read many posts that they get along.
Let me say; HUGE MISTAKE!!
At first everything was good, then suddenly three days ago, I woke up and found a tetra missing an eye and another one with its tale a bit bitten. I was very sad and sorry about my decision.
I considered to be the betta even though at the daylight it showed no sings of aggression. I isolated him to a ball for now and will take another smaller aquarium for him to be, since i really love my fish.
Today though one of the amanos attacked one tetra, it jumped on it out of the blue, i clearly saw it and the poor fish panicked and swam like crazy around until it got over it and then returned with another tetra and they attacked the amano at the sides(!).
Are the fish going crazy here?
I thought that betta was the culprit but I am not quite sure. Amanos attack as well? I have no idea what to do here? Actually I am thinking of putting my betta back inside, get over with experiments, and give the tetras away. It seems that confusion in the tank has been created out of nowhere and I am to blame. But what can I say? Now I am so stressed that I count tetras every one hour, thinking that I just did a huge mistake. Also two tetras are going hiding. Do the amanos scare them so much? I had no idea.