Hey, As some of you know, Im planning to get a bigger tank, but Out of curiosity, I wanted to see If I really am as overstocked as I think I am.
I have a 29g measuring 30.3" x 12.5" x 18.8"
Currently running
1 Aqueon QuietFlow 20 125GPH
1 Aqueon QuietFlow 30 200GPH
I have an inch and a half of sand as my substrate.
Lots of plastic plants (never any luck with live ones)
2 plastic "logs" for the fish to hide in
As for fish I have:
4 swordtail adults
2 9wk swordtails
6 platy adults
25 1wk platy babies
3 Julii Corys
1 Syno Eupteras
1 BN plec (still baby)
I have a 29g measuring 30.3" x 12.5" x 18.8"
Currently running
1 Aqueon QuietFlow 20 125GPH
1 Aqueon QuietFlow 30 200GPH
I have an inch and a half of sand as my substrate.
Lots of plastic plants (never any luck with live ones)
2 plastic "logs" for the fish to hide in
As for fish I have:
4 swordtail adults
2 9wk swordtails
6 platy adults
25 1wk platy babies
3 Julii Corys
1 Syno Eupteras
1 BN plec (still baby)