Alum bath?


Jun 2, 2016
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How exactly does one do an alum bath to make sure no nasty's get into you aquarium? Does anyone know the amount of alum? The duration of the soak time? I had never heard of this until recently and I would like to know the best way to do this.

Snails don't much bother me. But the thought of the other parasites that could harm my fish do bother me.

Any help is appreciated. TIA

This is where I got them alum information from. Now, I will say I never have used it yet to make sure I don't have anything other than snails and snail eggs. I did the stronger soak of two to three hours as well. But I do plan on using this exact method when I get new plants to hopefully get rid of other nasties as well. You still may want to quarantine for a bit if you can as I'm not guaranteeing it will work. (I also only used this on anubias type plants I think so not sure how it will work for more sensitive plants.)

There is other information about different types of treatments as well. (and to any that read this, I had a huge pond snail infestation that no matter what I did, wouldn't go away. I tried the snail removal stuff they sell and it did NOT work at all.)

And just with the pest problem I have now...I have some tetras in my 20 gallon that seem to be wasting away and getting real skinny. As much as i didn't want to I am going to treat that tank with API general cure. I have these in my 5 gallon as well and I'm going to try seachem paraguard in that one because the guppies seem healthy. If these work to get rid of them...I may be doing a quarantine tank for the plants only and treating the plants with these as well as the alum bath.

I hope you have better luck than I did! Oh and that seller in eBay I've mentioned in previous threads is awesome. I did not receive these nasty pests from there. Maybe a snail here and there but that's it.

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