All The Eggs My Snail Lays Dies?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
IL, Usa
I have two mystery snails and ever since I got the second one, eggs have appeared an inch above the water line. I moved them into my bigger tank because a 10gallon would not hold many snails. In my 29gallon, where I moved them, I saw a new egg cluster above the water line. The egg clusters being white to light pink. Today I noticed that the egg cluster in the 10 gallon dried out and the one in the big tank has holes in it and looks dried out too in some areas. I don't have a lid on the 10 gallon and there is a lid on the 29 gallon. What's going on? Is there something wrong with my snails?

Also, the egg cluster in the 29gal has gotten a bit darker and small blackish dots appeared in some bubbles.

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