All my children...........

June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Adrinal said:
hmm self employed...
hmm what could I do to get self employed...
sell belly button lint...
REEF FARM!!!... If I could just pay the bills thats all...
well, it was pretty easy for me, I became an insurance agent. I work whenever I want, selling health insurance. It is a SA-WEET gig 8) ..................lovin' it! :kana:

..................sleep 'til 10:00, work 'til 2:00..............get paid like I've worked from 8-5..........ya man, I'll take it.......... :rolleyes:
My old boss had a pair he breed for cash. Got to love the little leg humpers!
fozzy_wozzy_woo said:
dont these dogs get bad leg joint, hip and spine problems?

i do like their coats.. nice and shinny
sometimes they get bad backs. I only had one get a back problem, but I took him to the Chiropractor and it was fixed all up. He is fine now.......... :D

thanks for the coat compliment. I will have to let them know you said that, they will give you a big lick! :p
Olive said:
fozzy_wozzy_woo said:
dont these dogs get bad leg joint, hip and spine problems?
sometimes they get bad backs. I only had one get a back problem, but I took him to the Chiropractor and it was fixed all up. He is fine now.......... :D
They have chiropractors for dogs?!? :blink:
cutechic said:
Olive said:
fozzy_wozzy_woo said:
dont these dogs get bad leg joint, hip and spine problems?
sometimes they get bad backs. I only had one get a back problem, but I took him to the Chiropractor and it was fixed all up. He is fine now.......... :D
They have chiropractors for dogs?!? :blink:
YUP! :D Actually, it was my chiropractor.............a lot of people don't know that some chiros practice on animals like dogs and horses before they start on people. All four of my dogs have been adjusted and are a lot healthier because of it! :kana:
Olive said:
Actually, it was my chiropractor.............a lot of people don't know that some chiros practice on animals like dogs and horses before they start on people.
CRICKY, thats why I have started walking on all 4s! My chiro, must still be using his intern methods!
Adrinal said:
Olive said:
Actually, it was my chiropractor.............a lot of people don't know that some chiros practice on animals like dogs and horses before they start on people.
CRICKY, thats why I have started walking on all 4s! My chiro, must still be using his intern methods!
:fun: You are a hoot adrinal.......... :fun:

wuvmybetta.......yep, it's true! I didn't believe it myself until I saw it with my own eyes! REALLY COOL........and just as a by-product of the adjustments........the dog that got the adjustments for his back stopped having seizures afterwards.......very spooky...but very cool! I'll take it! Don't have to medicate him anymore!
Only just found this ... oh wow, someone else loves dachsies, and yours are just adorable! :wub: We've got a long-haired black & tan, and would never even consider having any other breed!
waterwatereverywhere said:
Only just found this ... oh wow, someone else loves dachsies, and yours are just adorable! :wub: We've got a long-haired black & tan, and would never even consider having any other breed!
Oh yay I am so glad to meet another one of you!!! We are just crazy about ours. I have decided when these are gone that I will adopt them from the pound if I can, but I wont breed them anymore or buy from a breeder since there are so many unwanted animals at the pound....but I just love my little weenies................they love me more than I love them, I think! :wub: :wub:

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