All Females


Mostly New Member
Apr 12, 2016
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So last night I checked my mollies... noticed they are all females. I guess it is ok. But I am wondering is that why they are so aggressive? When it is time to eat they rush to the top of the tank, grabbing the food from others very quickly. When I was adding new fish to the tank, they would chase, and nip.
Should I add some males? But then I will be dealing with pregnant mollies. Really not ready for that.
The idea of putting them in another tank is possible, but cannot happen until I convince my boyfriend we need another tank.

Currently they share a 55 gallon tank, with 3 cat fish, 6 glofish, 3 red tail sharks, 2 tiger fish, 2 white almost clear fish, 3 orange fish with black tails. and 1 angel fish tank is about 40 days old.

Also looking for any and all suggestions about this tank, I do know mixing the species aggressive and non aggressive is sort of a no no. We took a risk, lost a few fish, (3 angel fish, 1 glo,) Oddly the sharks are not doing anything to anyone in the tank.

I will get the correct names of my fish, so if I can add them as a signature I will.


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No, that's just mollies; quite a feisty fish. Adding males won't help.
Can you get some pictures of your fish so we can ID them for you? It's most important you know what species you have so you can give them the appropriate care.
Red tailed black sharks can be sociable when young, but that will change as they mature.
Here is a picture of the tank, I can take better pic when I get home.
Better yet I will just pull form store Web site.
I was hoping the sharks would just chill to bottom of the tank like they currently staying.


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Here are the pictures of what we have in the tank. They are just picture I pulled off line.






The white fish is a type of Terta also, I guess goast, we also have the cat fish and red tail sharks

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The white fish is a skirt/widow tetra; they can be very nippy (as can the striped fish; tiger barbs), if not in a large enough group (at least six, but the more the better). Neither are good fish to keep with angels.
The mollies really need hard water to do well, whereas the other fish you have like it soft :/
Do you know what the catfish are? There are literally thousands of species...
My guppies are nasty to any new fish... to keep them from being so nasty I move all my decorations around, to make them feel new. So far, it has worked every time.
fluttermoth said:
The white fish is a skirt/widow tetra; they can be very nippy (as can the striped fish; tiger barbs), if not in a large enough group (at least six, but the more the better). Neither are good fish to keep with angels.
The mollies really need hard water to do well, whereas the other fish you have like it soft :/
Do you know what the catfish are? There are literally thousands of species...
They are some type of African catfish.. brown with black spots.. we ended up getting them due to an algae outbreak. They did a great job cleaning up the bottom of the tank. I hardly see them because they often are hiding.

The receipt is at home.. I will look.
fluttermoth said:
The white fish is a skirt/widow tetra; they can be very nippy (as can the striped fish; tiger barbs), if not in a large enough group (at least six, but the more the better). Neither are good fish to keep with angels.
The mollies really need hard water to do well, whereas the other fish you have like it soft :/
Do you know what the catfish are? There are literally thousands of species...

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