All 3 Glowlight Tetras Dead Overnight..


Aug 21, 2008
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This morning I have noticed that two of the three glowlight tetras were dead on the bottom of the tank, with the amano shrimp eating them.
I took them out, and tried to find the third one, but couldnt anywhere.. a couple of hours later i found the last one dead too.

They all looked fine yesterday.

The only thing i have done is clean the tank and change some water yesterday morning, then add 3 male platies yesterday (as the fighter fish has gone, therefore replenishing the inches of fish).

I now have:
11 Male Platies
3 gold neon tetras
1 black neon tetra
1 albino corydora
3 amano shrimp

In a 100L tank.
Sounds like quite a lot in one tank but if you've not had problems before then maybe it's another reason. Can you give us any water stats?
I know its 0ppm ammonia and nitrite, and 40ppm nitrate (which it always has been)
Nothings changed, and ive had the 1 black neon tetra and the cory for 2 years +
Hi ,check the water right away for ammonia and nitrite readings the glowlight tetra are the first to die in my experience with these high readings , if high keep doing 80% water changes until it stabilises,hope this helps,good luck,and by the way i`ve got a lot more fish than that in my 110l,so don`t think that would be the case ,unless water isn`t good quality.I do an 80%water change and gravel vac once a week.
I think you might have a higheracy so the glowlight may of been the low class fish and to tell you the truth i have 2 glowlight and 2 yomato or what you call it amano shrimps in a 28litre tank for a week now and they look fine with my 4 but now to 3 guppie as one of them died 2 days ago :( and 2 neon tetras :good:
What filter are you running? Am thinking the addition of the new fish possibly increased your bio load & made your water toxic?!
Likewise, ive had tetras the first to go when water not been right. I found them very sensitive to changes in water parameters hence totally agree that you need to do a water test with a proper test kit ASAP.
Fingers crossed you find what the prob is!! ✌
What filter are you running? Am thinking the addition of the new fish possibly increased your bio load & made your water toxic?!
Likewise, ive had tetras the first to go when water not been right. I found them very sensitive to changes in water parameters hence totally agree that you need to do a water test with a proper test kit ASAP.
Fingers crossed you find what the prob is!! ✌

Hi i have a kit on order, I am running a fluval 2 plus, and its been set up 3 yrs, the fighter going i thought was roughly the same bio load as 3 male platies (as ones tiny), and my tanks never been overstocked. it is strange how all three went, maybe stress after one died, like a domino effect. they all seem fine since.


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