Algae Problem


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I have my male Betta in a 5 gal tank. Said tank has a very fine sand bottom, find enough that the filter can blow it away :/
Anyways, the tank has live plants, so I have a plant supporting light in the hood.
For about a month now I've had brown algae problems like nobodies business - seriously.
The filter is a pretty weak one, but I dont want to put a more powerful one in because, well it's a Betta, for the most part they are very terrible at swimming in a current.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me to get rid of the algae?
I was thinking switch substrates to a more course one, scrub everything clean and possibly get a better filter (One with adjustable flow if I can find it)
But as for actually keeping the algae under control I was hoping to add some one to the tank to take care of that, any suggestions? There are already pond snails in the tank and they do diddily-squat so I may possibly get an apple snail or three to see if that helps, though I don;t care for spending 2$ per snail :/
How long is your lighting on for? It shoud be on for no more than 8 hrs. How often are you doing water changes?

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