Algae On Glass


Mostly New Member
Sep 20, 2014
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Hi all. Does any one know if a colony off cherry shrimps will keep the algae off the glass? Orr will I need to clean it and how often.
It somewhat depends upon the algae, but even so, generally the glass is something you need to clean yourself.  I use a sponge-type scraper and run over the inside of the front glass at every water change on all my tanks.  I rarely see any algae, but it I don't do this every week, I sometimes will see the beginnings by the next.
A biofilm develops on all surfaces covered by water, and this is slimy/slippery if you run your finger across it, and it attracts algae along with microscopic critters and of course many types of bacteria.  When I say "attracts," I mean that the biofilm is intended to support these various life-forms, so you are never going to eliminate it (nor should you want to).  Even if fish or snails or shrimp ate some of the algae, the biofilom would still remain.  You're better to give it a quick clean every water change.
I have recently purchased some of those "magic eraser" sponges to remove stubborn glass algae. Duzzit are £1 for a box of 4 in The Range and they are bloomin' marvellous imo. If you can't get Duzzit check that any other "magic erasers" are detergent- and other additives-free as some have surfactants present and not a good idea.
How often will depend how fast it grows and how much it bothers you I guess.
i have had an algae bloom. i use a magnet scraper. is this a bad idea? it seems to just fall to the sand and probably just makes more algae?... ugh. 
The problems with magnet cleaners are that those hold on to small particles of sand. This sand creates scratches when cleaning your glass. So I wouldn't recommend them.
Personally do I use an old pass (you could for example use an old credit card). This has a low chance of damaging the glass and still removes the algae easily,
yes i have had that happen. its frustrating. but i stop and get it out. i cant stand that sound! but thanks for the card idea!

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