Alert v Push


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2017
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I'm getting way to many emails about posts to my private email address so I went in to amend the settings. I'm a little confused as to the difference between alert v push though. I've unticked all the push boxes as I'm assuming they are the ones that email me. Do I need to untick the alert ones too?

Thanks for the help.
Push messages are not the same as email notifications. I came across push notifications on another site and had to google the term to find out what they were. Push notifications are messages sent directly to a phone by an app. Emails are sent to your email address.

There is a section in the preferences section of your profile for email notifications, you need to untick boxes there.

  • Receive news and update emails
  • Receive activity summary email We will keep you updated about new content when you haven't visited for a while.
  • Receive weekly newsletter email
  • Receive email when a new conversation message is received

In the next section of 'preferences' there are boxes to tick/untick receiving emails about content you are watching, either content you create or content you interact with. If you don't want to get emails I would untick both those as well.

Edit to add - the 'alert' boxes are for the 'bell' symbol at the top of every page. They are not for emails.
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Thank you. Much better now, I'm not getting tons of emails. I've already got 4091 and counting that I'm trying to go through and delete as it is (and that's just one email address, I have 11). This was pushing me over the edge lol
Thank you. Much better now, I'm not getting tons of emails. I've already got 4091 and counting that I'm trying to go through and delete as it is (and that's just one email address, I have 11). This was pushing me over the edge lol
That's pretty much why I turned mine off. I got hundreds every day and it took hours going through them all.

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