Albino Corie Eggs, What To Do


Dec 29, 2015
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As i have my Corie eggs in a separate tank(5Gal Nano), is there any specific precautions i need to watch out for with the egg hatching?, or just leave them be in the nano until they hatch. But do i need to put them in with the parents within a couple days? or until they are big enough(1-2 Inches long) so the parents wont eat their small bodys 
I'd keep them seperated.
Take care to have food available and do lots of waterchanges !
the eggs should hatch in about 4 or 5 days. If they are fertile they will darken slowly over the 4 or 5 day period until they are almost black in colour. When they hatch the fry will absorb their yolk sac and this will sustain them for 48 hours. After this time you will need to start feeding them but they will be too tiny to take normal food so you'll need to provide something microscopic. The best option is to get some java moss and add that to their tank and then go online and get yourself a microworm culture kit. You'll need to feed them up to 3 times a day. The microworms live for up to 24 hours so if you add some twice a day they should get something to eat. 
As DoubleDutch said - lots of water changes. They grow stronger with plenty of water changes. It will take around 6-8 weeks for them to grow large enough to join the adults

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