Air Pump


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2012
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My air pump has just packed up do i need an air pump or can i leave the tank without one ?
If you have a filter that agitates the top of the water (moves the water surface) then there is no need for an air pump as well. All it does is breaks the water surface to give oxygen but if you already have a filter doing that then no reason to have an air pump too
Got a Aquamanta Efx200 with the spray bar but it is not moving the water but i have mange to get the pump to work again for some strange it worked after i took the air stone out and then put it back in the water
I would point the spray bar so it's causing the water to move even though you have the pump working again. That way if the pumps fails again and you don't happen to be around at the time at least you know the fish are not short of oxygen :) when ever iv used a spraybar or elbow I make sure it's moving the water
Good idea
i have just twisted the spray bar now its moving the top of the water around. I come home last night and looked in the tank and thought that is a bit quite then had noticed the pump was not working but now both spray bar and pump are working don't have to worry
Always better to be on the safe side :) I got water in the tube of my air pump before. I could hear the pump but it couldn't push any air through to make the bubbles because of the water that got into the tube
Very true better to be safe
finally got my tank sorted out now been set up just over 6weeks now got panda cory and 6 neons in there cory love sitting on the air stone with the bubbles. Yeah that is always a pain water in the air tube
Funny you mention the corys, I had corys and they too loved sitting in the bubbles :) right now I have a small flowerhorn and a 9 inch Ornate Bichir and the flowerhorn likes the bubbles. He is always sat in them, he spends the rest of the time following my finger on the tank or trying to attack his own reflection in the the tank glass. It's so funny to watch. He's basically trying to warn off what he thinks is another flowerhorn :)
All three sit on the air stone but soon as you walk near the tank they swim off and when the light is on they come out i think i got one female because earlier this week i caught one on top of the other one
. Seen one of those flowerhorn in a fish store it was huge and remember it following my finger you could do that for hours would be a cool fish to have need a big tank I would think
Yeah flowerhorns can get to around a foot or so in length (around 12-13 inches) they usually get aggressive when the hit maturity at around 6 inch or so but mine is only around 2 1/2 inches and already got a bad attitude.

They need tanks of 55 gallons minimum but you would have no chance keeping any other fish with it. I have mine in a 5 foot 450 litre (125 gallon) and even in that it would be hard to find a tank mate. I think he will be fine with my bichir though as it is already 8-9 inches and can hit twice that size eventually. Also I'm hoping because they have been together since the flowerhorn was small they will be ok together.

Iv got an 8 foot 800 litre (180UK/210US gal) coming soon as soon as I buy 2 fx5 filters so my flowerhorn and bichir may be moved into that. Not sure yet

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