Aiming Filter Flow To Minimize Tank Current


Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2014
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I can't seem to get my filter outflow aimed properly to not blow my fish all over the tank. It's driving me crazy. I was having a serious problem with lack of gas exchange/oxygenation, so I took the baffle off my filter and aimed the outflow at the surface. I have a ton of surface agitation right now, which is great, but it's creating a giant amount of current and the little fish are getting caught in it. I have a corner tank, and I can't put the outflow directly in either of the corners (other than the back corner) because of the glass top. Can anyone give me pointers on how/where to aim the flow so I get good surface movement and to minimize current?
54 gallon corner tank
Rena Filstar XP3 filter
10 neons
10 harlequin rasboras
10 rummynose tetras
3 dwarf gourami
6 peppered cories
a few snails and shrimp
Get a spray bar that might help. If that's not enough position a piece of wood or rock to stick out of the tank so that the spray bar hits it before the water.
I used to worry about the current until I saw fish playing in it , relishing it. For plants, it's absolutely necessary. As long as there are places fish can stop and rest, you need some current.
Hello, I have a corner tank 25g and a fluval 4plus I was worried about the current but my fish love it. There are spots where they can rest as the current is not the same everywhere. I play about with it too, moving the current and little cave around.
echoing above really, as long as there is pleanty of areas for rest it will be brilliant for them.

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