I can't seem to get my filter outflow aimed properly to not blow my fish all over the tank. It's driving me crazy. I was having a serious problem with lack of gas exchange/oxygenation, so I took the baffle off my filter and aimed the outflow at the surface. I have a ton of surface agitation right now, which is great, but it's creating a giant amount of current and the little fish are getting caught in it. I have a corner tank, and I can't put the outflow directly in either of the corners (other than the back corner) because of the glass top. Can anyone give me pointers on how/where to aim the flow so I get good surface movement and to minimize current?
54 gallon corner tank
Rena Filstar XP3 filter
10 neons
10 harlequin rasboras
10 rummynose tetras
3 dwarf gourami
6 peppered cories
a few snails and shrimp
I can't seem to get my filter outflow aimed properly to not blow my fish all over the tank. It's driving me crazy. I was having a serious problem with lack of gas exchange/oxygenation, so I took the baffle off my filter and aimed the outflow at the surface. I have a ton of surface agitation right now, which is great, but it's creating a giant amount of current and the little fish are getting caught in it. I have a corner tank, and I can't put the outflow directly in either of the corners (other than the back corner) because of the glass top. Can anyone give me pointers on how/where to aim the flow so I get good surface movement and to minimize current?
54 gallon corner tank
Rena Filstar XP3 filter
10 neons
10 harlequin rasboras
10 rummynose tetras
3 dwarf gourami
6 peppered cories
a few snails and shrimp