Aggressive Angel Fish Just Starting To Target Just One Other Angel Fig


Fish Fanatic
Feb 2, 2012
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Ok I just noticed one of my angel fish I have a group of 6 that have all been together since at least a quarter size is targeting just one other angel. I am not sure how long its been going on I do not think to long.  So it makes me so sad for him / her. Funny thing is when the lights are on the bully chases and nips and slams  the the victim until it finds this one spot behind a piece of slat.  Bully even sits and guards spot to make sure it does not peek out..I do see it nip a bit ounce and a while at other 5 but nothing like what it does to this one. BUT when I turn lights out it seems to let up a bit. I see it may bug the other one a bit. But it will let it alone for a while.. I do not have another tank but a 5 gallon to separate it. But will a 5 be enough to give the bully a time out :(  So is it fighting or trying to hook up :)
Any thoughts would help
That will stress out the angelfish. You might have to give it away if the agression doesnt stop. Its probably establishing dominance but well if its the danger to the other angels...
stacey3272 said:
Ok I just noticed one of my angel fish I have a group of 6 that have all been together since at least a quarter size is targeting just one other angel. I am not sure how long its been going on I do not think to long.  So it makes me so sad for him / her. Funny thing is when the lights are on the bully chases and nips and slams  the the victim until it finds this one spot behind a piece of slat.  Bully even sits and guards spot to make sure it does not peek out..I do see it nip a bit ounce and a while at other 5 but nothing like what it does to this one. BUT when I turn lights out it seems to let up a bit. I see it may bug the other one a bit. But it will let it alone for a while.. I do not have another tank but a 5 gallon to separate it. But will a 5 be enough to give the bully a time out
 So is it fighting or trying to hook up

Any thoughts would help
looks like one is trying to find a mate.. It was my experience that my male angel killed all the other angels in my tank until it paired with my female.
Personally I would put the angel that is being bullied in the other tank and re-home him, the chances of you getting them to get along would be slim now.
HUmm I did notice a few of the the others will stand up to the bully and give him a nip / chase or so. Like trying to put it in its place. I am not sure how to re home it. Other tank is just a 5 gallon so i am guessing it cam't be in there for long.
So the striped one is the one being bullied can you tell. I am guessing they both are male . They both are a nice size  Any ways I was Told to re home one. But I don't know how easy that will be. Will the person need other angel fish. Should it be the only one in a tank.


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I love angel fish, they're so beautiful yet so aggressive. :( it could be the two are males and doing what is perfectly normal in their world and would never be together.
It does sound like the typical cichlids doing their thing, never seems to be a big issue with juvenile fish, sadly more so when they mature, and when you're more attached to them. The problem is compounded by the confined space in an aquarium situation, I'm guessing in the wild the bullied fish just moves along the neighborhood. You won't stop this problem now that your fish are mature enough to pair off, this could well be the beginnings of that process. I think you may have to accept re-homing the victims until a happy pair establish themselves. That or remove the dominant fish, but chances are another will take its place.
People, including me, forget that it's really no different than , say lions. It would be understood there, but fish have the same "animal" kingdom.
Thanks for the reassuring words LOL. I am on the fence about if they are fighting or trying to pair off. So I am trying to figure out how long to let it go. I did notice today a few others have joined in on giving the bully a nip here and there kind of putting it in place.  I do have a place that said would take one. but I get conflicting advise  about if they are fighting or pairing . Hate to brake up what could be a couple. I can say this one wants nothing to do with the other and just runs. :( 
Conflicting advise is never in short supply any where. I guess really just watch them and you'll know what's best. :)
If there is no blood and guts resulting from the fighting i would leave them be. From the photo you added it doesnt look deeply stressed. Angels do have a pecking order and niggle at each other constantly, thats what cichlids do. Normal behaviour.
So the striped one is the one being bullied can you tell. I am guessing they both are male . They both are a nice size Any ways I was Told to re home one. But I don't know how easy that will be. Will the person need other angel fish. Should it be the only one in a tank.
Hi, not sure if the photo was showing all of your tank, so not sure what your planting situation is like, but I would suggest getting some tall plants and placing them in your tank so the bullied Angel can go behind it. It might be that they can see each other all the time, so one wants to make its claim to an area of the tank
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