After A Short(Ish?) Break...


Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2014
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I had a bit of a health issue that drained all my motivation, in turn bringing me out of the hobby for a bit, but now I'm trying to push myself back in and get things sorted!
I'm finally sorting out tank plans and cutting down on tank numbers, since the workload was a little much.
Looking forward to getting back into this hobby :)
My 10 gallon betta tank is in line to be a cherry shrimp breeding tank,
20 gallon multi cichlid tank will be upgraded as soon as we're given my aunt's 50 gallon.
The fish-tank-from-hell 45 gallon tall will be sold as soon as the stock has passed.
Then, hopefully once the 45 is sold, the 90 gallon will be set up as an angelfish community.
Come to think of it, I'm kind of increasing my workload.
Welcome back. I'm a fan of no-maintenance tanks myself. Or should I say, super high tech biological auto filtration.

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